Thursday, December 17, 2015


- Open Source database
- supports relational database features like SQL syntax, transactions
- requires limited memory (approx. 250 KByte) which makes it a light weight database to embed in to each process
- supports the data types TEXT, INTEGER and REAL

- SQLite library and thus becomes an integral part of the application program.
- Due to the server-less design, SQLite applications require less configuration than client-server databases.
 SQLite is called zero-conf.
- The SQLite file format is cross-platform. A database file written on one machine can be copied to and used
 on a different machine with a different architecture.
- Adding new tables or new columns to existing tables is so easy.
- Content can be accessed and updated using powerful SQL queries.
- SQLite read operations can be multitasked, though writes can only be performed sequentially.

Design Tips:
1. First, Second and Third normal forms in Database (Students record)
1st - Remove duplicate data and break data in granular level
2nd - All column data should depend on full primar key and not part
3rd - No column should depend on other column

( ref :


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